
Tips To Keep Christ At The Center Of Your Christmas
Posted on December 23, 2019 8:00 AM by Faith Sites
Categories: General
Some church websites struggle during this time of the year to keep the message of Christ at the center of their Christmas sermon and activities.  The task is easier said than done as the holiday has become more commercialized each year.  Often, people are more interested in amassing possessions than they are in going to worship God.  How can you remedy this issue and make Christ the focus in your ministry over Christmas?

You need to make a concerted effort if you want Christ to be the focus of Christmas so start by making a plan.  Most stores promote their Christmas offerings a month before the holiday actually begins.  Try to replicate that so you have the attention of your congregation for the duration of the holidays.

Start by talking about the meaning of Christmas as early as possible, maybe the beginning of December.  Create a calendar that identifies and schedules Christian events for you and your whole family.  There are plenty of plays you can attend during Christmas to renew your passion for the true meaning behind the holiday.  Again, this requires planning so start early.

Another option is to buy gifts that are related to the nativity story.  Many church websites sell these types of items when it’s close to the holidays and you can also put up decorations that are centered on Christ.  This will act as a constant reminder of the birth of Christ.

If none of the steps above are igniting some passion for the true spirit of Christmas in your life, try helping others.  It could be someone in your community that doesn’t attend church.  Reach out to them and boost their spirit with an act of generosity.  After that, use the opportunity to tell them about Christ, his birth, and sacrifice.  Keep these tips in mind going forward as many people forget the real reason for the season.

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