
The Real Reason Why Worshiping From Home Feels Different
Posted on May 18, 2020 8:00 AM by Faith Sites
Categories: General
Church websites have transformed the way churches stay connected with their congregation and they make it possible for all Christians to worship from home.  With the current limitations such as social distancing, church leaders are expected to rely on the internet when they need to connect with their members.

Even though church websites are great for keeping Christians connected, they can’t replicate the experience of gathering together for worship.  Some people have already grown accustom to this new arrangement but most of them will tell you they prefer to go to church.

A successful worship involves more than merely singing a few songs or having a new churchgoer join the congregation.  In Hebrews 6:10, it says, “God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.”  When it comes to worshiping, we strengthen one another by gathering in a single location and uniting to show our faith to the Lord.
Vertical vs. Horizontal Worship

First and foremost, pastors and leaders should always aim for the worship to be vertical but it requires a lot of effort to make a genuine connection with God.  Yet, one can’t claim to enjoy a strong communion with God if their attitude towards other Christians is sour.  When worship is done from home, it usually engages a stronger bond with God but it ignores the relationships with fellow Christians.  This is the primary reason why it feels so different and also what leads many believers to their preference of attending church.

Even though most might find this situation negative, it has created an opportunity for all Christians to gain an appreciation for the importance of gathering and worshiping together.  The result might end up being that it creates the sort of desire in churchgoers that many pastors have wanted to see for a long time.

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