
Key Steps That Help Your Members Be Ideal Neighbors During A Crisis
Posted on May 8, 2020 8:00 AM by Faith Sites
Categories: General
Many of the requirements that have been implemented by health authorities in response to the virus pandemic have made it almost impossible to worship.  But, it doesn’t mean the church can’t fulfill its mission since there are a variety of ways to reach churchgoers.

Ministry websites must encourage church members to reach out to their neighbors and show the type of compassion that frightened and desperate people need.  This is also a great opportunity for churchgoers to still make a positive impact on the life of others as they show kindness and spread the word of gospel.

During this time, ministers need to explain their vision to the congregation.  They should never presume that church members know what they need to do when they’re facing a crisis.  Ministers should always motivate Christians to take their focus off the daily virus reports and concentrate on those that truly need help in their area.
If possible, use ministry websites to give them the virtual tools needed to transform their perception of this crisis and erase their own fear.  Once that happens, they can help their neighbors get through the crisis.

Pastors should also use this time to set an example and put their words into practice by reaching out to neighbors and share their stories with the congregation.  Most people feel like they are truly cared for when the pastor visits them or messages them.  Pastors are encouraged to inform the congregation about their efforts to reach out to neighbors as it gives a clearer picture to members what is expected from them.

Some people might not be willing to act like ideal neighbors since they aren’t sure how they should go about it.  Send them documents with some ideas you have regarding the best way to reach their neighbors.  By providing your members with what they need, you eliminate any excuse they might use to ignore their community.  As a result, members unite and everyone in the community gets stronger during this crisis!

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