Show your personality
While we were all created equal, not everybody has the same needs. We have you covered with our custom or semi-custom church websites. We create websites that match your look, your photos, your pages and your content. Helping you have a positive online image to help your organization thrive.
Delivering helpful support
Our hands on support for your church website gives you our personal attention. Your assigned personal web designer will help create your website, guide you through our step-by-step process and answer your questions. This is to help you get your website live quickly and make sure it is professional and visitor focused.
We make features robust
Looking to improve interaction between your members? Our Find a Sitter feature lets people offering sitting services to post their information on your church website. People can then visit your church website when they are needing a sitter. Comments can also be left for each sitter to praise them for the great job.

Church Website

How wide is the reach of your church? Do you continue to communicate with your members between weekly services? Having a church website does not have to be complicated. Here are a few ways we can help your church be more effective:

  • Reach New Members - Many people research a church before they choose to attend a service. The internet is often the initial source of information. Post photos, service times, testimony and all of the other great things your organization offers on your church website.
  • Keep Members Connected - Our Pastor's Blog allows each pastor to have their own topics that they communicate to the congregation.
  • Keep History - From past videos of sermons to newsletters, the website is an archive of what your church has accomplished and where you are headed.
  • Collect Payments - Allow members to give money to your church through our Online Payments feature.
  • Member Interaction - Help members communicate and interact with other members. Features such as our Message Board, Calendar, Member Announcements and Prayer Requests keep members connected.
  • Easy for Administrators - We designed our software and processes for non-technical folks. We also assign you a web designer who will help you set up your new church website and make sure you understand how to use our features.

Visit our features page to see all of the abilities we can provide for your new church website. Be sure to ask us as you think of questions.

Responsive / Mobile Friendly Designs
1 website for every screen
Responsive websites automatically optimize and adjust to the visitor's screen size. This allows you to have a single website that looks beautiful on desktops, tablets and phones. Yes, we think that’s awesome as well.
What our fans have to say
Some Random Facts
23 Fish
Swimming in our aquarium.
17 Balls
Organized on our pool table.
110 Cups
Brewed in our Kurieg Monthly.
6 Lights
Under our conference table.
What's it like at Faith Sites?
We are an office of dreamers, problem solvers and builders. Since our beginnings in 2001, we have continued to grow with our great clients and learned many new things. We certainly like to dig into a project and nerd out.
A big "you're a good dog" to our 4 legged friends who sometimes stop by to supervise our projects: Ace, Dexter, Floyd, Geno, Lennox, Tinley, Tucker.
The power behind our websites
It is very common for website providers to use "off-the-shelf" software that runs the back end of their websites. This software is meant for the masses and does not allow these companies to customize their processes to meet the specific needs of their clients. We set out to create something better and different in 2005. We created our own back-end software to power our clients’ websites. We attribute much of our success to our software which enables us to provide a seamless experience for our clients by combining support, management and functionality into a single solution that we have full control over.
Tell us your story
Like what you see? Let us do something awesome for you!Get In Touch

Phone: 317.608.6526
Monday: 8am to 5pm EST
 Tuesday: 8am to 5pm EST
 Wednesday: 8am to 5pm EST
 Thursday: 8am to 5pm EST
 Friday: 8am to 4pm EST